Consumer-Centric Approach: What and Why Should You Care

What is the consumer-centric approach and how should one do it?

Have you ever gotten attached to a brand or business, and you feel like your voice is being heard by them?

For me, it would be Spotify. I’ve had my fair use of Tidal, Apple Music, Deezer and Joox, but no one gets me better than Spotify. Their playlists? Awesome. User Experience? Better than most. Their price? Even better.

And at this point for the last two years, there are no chances of me switching to another online music streaming service.

So, what makes a brand stand out in the midst of an ever increasing battle among competitors?

Consumer-Centric Approach.

By definition, the consumer-centric approach creates positive experiences for customers before, during and after purchase. It is more than just delivering ‘good enough’ services to customers, but rather, it is about creating interesting company culture that focuses on consumers.

But why is it Important?

The consumer-centric approach eliminates boardroom assumptions about the customers and instead, identifies customer’s needs and preferences by directly asking the customers themselves. A decision based just on business perspective is not enough, you must include your customer’s perspective. By using a consumer-centric approach will it ensure the right user journey to be delivered to customers.

By simply ignoring the consumer-centric approach are you taking the shortcut to ruin. Even if you are a business that is deeply concerned about their consumer’s views, you will fail by doing so.

Consumer-Centric Approach: How It’s Done

Look into the Data, Gain Insights

Essentially, consumer-centric approach is driven by data and analytics of your customers. Identify the 5W + 1H (what, when, why, where, and how) of your customer’s interaction, influence, and product purchase by conducting market research. Consumer research, brand analysis, usage and attitude studies are amongst the most valuable things that you could do to uncover consumer behavior towards your brand, or any other specific product categories.

Map Your Customer Journey

The objective of mapping your customer journey is to understand the actual experiences of your customers with your brand/business. Customer journey mapping provides rich, contextual information of how your customers interact with your brand, and gives them the ability to answer questions concerning your brand.

Embrace the Consumer-Centric Mindset

Decisions will be made differently if businesses recognise your customers as close friends instead of a random person who just buys your product. The point is to emotionally engage with your customers. Try to talk to them regularly and not just about product updates or before your marketing program, but talk to them as though they are your friends. Identify what the emerging pain points are and how your company can make their lives better with your offerings.